Shipping & Return Policy

Shipping & Returns


All orders are processed within 1-4 business days after receiving your order confirmation email. When your order has shipped, you will receive an email notification from us which will include a tracking number you can use to check its status. Please allow 48 hours for the tracking information to become available. 
Business days refer to M-F and exclude national holidays.
*Items returned to sender because of a customer address error will be recharged the shipping rate.*

We proudly offer FREE RETURNS on all domestic U.S. orders! We are so confident in our product and know you will love it, but know that sometimes things just don't work out!
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, we are happy to accept returns within 21 days of your order being fulfilled. Items must have tags still attached and be unused, unwashed and in their original condition. Your return will be refunded in form used for purchase.

We reserve the right to refuse returns that show signs of wear or do not meet the above criteria.

Items marked Final Sale can not be returned. Jewelry, hats and sale items are considered final sale.

Contact if you need to return a product.


Once items have been shipped, they become the property and responsibility of the purchaser. If a product is damaged in transit or
is misplaced, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to liaise with the shipping carrier.

If your item or items get delivered and have damages please email a photo of the damage along with your order number within 7 days of delivery. We will work quickly to give a refund for the merchandise in form of store credit, replacement or back to original payment form upon request.


We are not responsible for lost packages. The customer is responsible to correspond with the shipping carrier for assistance.


If you would like to cancel your order, we can do so as long as the order has not shipped. Please email us at to cancel or change your order.